Test system for wing bearings

SETEK Process & Data leverede i 2020 et styringsprojekt for test af vingelejer, der inkluderede PLC- og SCADA-programmering, idriftsættelse og dokumentation.


SETEK was to deliver a control project for testing wing bearings to a large Danish wind turbine manufacturer.

The challenge lay both in the size of the plant, one of the largest of its kind, as well as its complexity, where huge amounts of data had to be collected. In addition, there were great demands on the security of the solution.


The customer is already collecting large amounts of test data. The task required new thinking, so when SETEK became a supplier and sparring partner for the software part, we had great freedom to find the most optimal solutions.

The system places great demands on safety, so the entire system is built on a distributed TwinSAFE PLC solution from Beckhoff.

The InduSoft SCADA system with full integration of EtherCAT ADS communication to the PLC is used as the user interface.


Commissioned year:2020
Deliveries:PLC and SCADA programming, commissioning and documentation
Manufacturers:Beckhoff PLC and InduSoft SCADA
Beckhoff Logo
Indusoft Logo

PLC og SCADA løsning til vindmølle vinge test